A new way to...
Tend to your garden with Cannanano.

Fine misting made for your garden. The industry changing Cannanano Sprayer™ designed with Dual Pumps to maximize coverage and minimize over saturating.

Tired of wasting money?

Tired of wasting money on product and equipment? Tired of literally spraying your money away?

Cut down on botanical product with Cannanano. Cannanano will help reduce the amount of product needed to evenly saturate your garden and flowers. Our sprayer technology allows for ultra-fine mist with heavy coverage - preventing over saturation and moisture issues commonly found with damp flowers.

Cover more plants with less product. Cannanano will save you money and time.

"Say goodbye to spraying your money away! I'm going to save today!"

The best sprayer that makes the biggest difference for your garden.

It truly saves you time, energy and money while keeping your garden healthy and growing.

Watch it in action...

Catch the Cannanano in action! Watch Tyler show how it helped save him product and time. His video is a true testimonial to what Cannanano can do for you too.

That's Not All! Watch How It Works!
Super easy to use! Watch how it works!

"A well worth it investment! It's perfect for my garden."

Here's What You Get When You Order Today
Cannanano Sprayer
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